Know Your Pregnancy Early Symptoms

Pregnancy early symptoms are your body responds to the growth of fetus. Pregnancy is a miracle for women. Women will experience to have baby after 9 months pregnancy. If you always care of your pregnancy from early time then you will get healthy baby too and you will have better condition. In the opposite side, you can lose your pregnancy when you don’t know that you are pregnant. Some women don’t know if they are pregnant because they don’t know too early symptoms of pregnancy. Women feel so happy when they finally pregnant. Some women need to wait for long time to get their baby. The other women can get their baby in very simple way. How about you? If you have a plan to have baby too then you really need to know about early symptoms in pregnancy.  You should understand all symptoms and care of your early pregnancy. Some people call early symptoms as primitive signs of pregnancy. Here, you can check several signs of pregnancy that you may experience.

Sign of Pregnancy - Missed Period

One of some signs of pregnancy is missing period. For most of women, missed period can be used as a sign of pregnancy although some other women sometime miss their period because of some other factors such as excessive stress, side effect of medication and some other factors. For sure, you better use test pack to check whether you are pregnant or not. You can also consult with doctor or visit your doctor to check your pregnancy too. It is better to wait until several weeks to ensure that you really missed period. Second sign of pregnancy is vaginal spotting. It can be used as a sign of pregnancy too. You can find vaginal bleeding for few days. Why you experience vaginal spotting or vaginal bleeding? It is the result of implantation of fertilized egg at you inner lining of uterus. Some women experience this sign because they just get their menstruation. The other women experience this sign because they are pregnant.

Sign of Pregnancy- Changing in Breast and Areola

The other sign of pregnancy that you can experience is changing in breast and areola. In early stage of pregnancy, breast changing is strong sign of your pregnancy. The changes that you can experience include pain on your breast, tenderness, sensitive feeling on your breast and some other feeling. How about your areola? Your areola will become darker and you can see varicose veins on the surrounding area of your breast. Some of your body parts will be more sensitive. Some women feel more sensitive when they are pregnant too. Nausea and queasiness are common too for pregnant women. Pregnant women will feel discomfort of nausea and it is usually in the morning. You will feel bad when you smell some particular odors, flavors of the foods and some other things. Women will experience morning sickness.

Vaginal Discharge and Increased Fatigue

You still can find some primitive signs of pregnancy such as increased discharge and also increased fatigue. You may feel vaginal discharge because of formation of mucus plug. It is used to keep the womb at the safe place and distance from all bacteria, toxins and also infections. Unfortunately not all vaginal discharge is a sign of pregnancy. If you experience greenish and also grayish vaginal discharge you better consult with your doctor because it may be dangerous sign of disease. You need to call your doctor too when you find foul odor of vaginal discharge too. Women in early pregnancy will feel weak. They don’t want to do all things and they will increase fatigue because of low blood pressure. That is why some women in early pregnant usually will want to sleep all the day. The last sign of pregnancy that you may experience is frequent urination. Some women ask why they do urination often than before. This condition is the result of your uterus that is getting larger day by day. Your uterus will accommodate baby. The other reason why you do urination often is because your body gives response to the hormonal changes.

Pregnancy must be identified from early stage because you need to care of your baby from the first period or pregnancy. There are some ways to identified and know whether you are pregnant or not. First you can use some early signs of pregnancy above to check your condition. Second, you can use tool such as test pack to check your pregnancy. Third, you can visit your doctor and then consult about your condition and find whether you are pregnant or not. You should not only detect signs of pregnancy but you need to always enjoy your pregnancy. When you always enjoy your pregnancy then you will feel better during your pregnancy. Your feeling will influence your baby growth too. You need to keep your body condition during your pregnancy. If you feel morning sickness you can reduce morning sickness with some ways too. You can search information about some other signs of pregnancy that are not listed above because not all women experience similar signs.

1 komentar

  1. OK I'm wondering I took 3home test and it was positive took blood test it came up negative but I have spotted light red usually heavy black blood period but this month I have had lower back pains nausea and feverish to day flet like I got something footing in side of me cramps in Lower back
