Pregnancy Signs And Symptoms

Early signs of pregnancy

For women who have a regular monthly menstrual cycle, the earliest and most reliable sign of pregnancy is a missed period. Women who are pregnant sometimes have a very light period, losing only a little blood.

Some of the other early pregnancy signs and symptoms are listed below. Every woman is different and not all women will notice all of these symptoms.

Feeling sick during pregnancy

You may feel sick and nauseous, and/or vomit. This is commonly known as morning sickness, but it can happen at any time of the day or night.

Around half of all pregnant women experience nausea and vomiting, and around 3 in 10 women experience nausea without vomiting. For most women who have morning sickness, the symptoms start around six weeks after their last period.

Read more about coping with nausea and morning sickness in pregnancy.

If you're being sick all the time and can't keep anything down, contact your GP. The pregnancy condition hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) is a serious condition that causes severe vomiting and needs treatment.

Feeling tired is common in pregnancy

It's common to feel tired, or even exhausted, during pregnancy, especially during the first 12 weeks or so. Hormonal changes taking place in your body at this time can make you feel tired, nauseous, emotional and upset.

Read more about tiredness in pregnancy.
Sore breasts in early pregnancy

Your breasts may become larger and feel tender, just as they might do before your period. They may also tingle. The veins may be more visible, and the nipples may darken and stand out.

Peeing more often suggests pregnancy

You may feel the need to pee (urinate) more often than usual, including during the night.

Other signs of pregnancy that you may notice are:

  1.     constipation
  2.     an increased vaginal discharge without any soreness or irritation

Strange tastes, smells and cravings

During early pregnancy, you may find that your senses are heightened and that some foods or drinks you previously enjoyed become repellent. You might notice:

  1.     a strange taste in your mouth, which many women describe as metallic
  2.    that you crave new foods
  3.     that you lose interest in certain foods or drinks that you previously enjoyed – such as tea, coffee or fatty food
  4.     that you lose interest in tobacco
  5.     that you have a more sensitive sense of smell than usual – for example, to the smell of food or cooking

If your pregnancy test is negative

A positive test result is almost certainly correct. A negative result is less reliable. If you get a negative result and still think that you may be pregnant, wait a week and try again, or see a GP.

Learn More About Pregnancy Early Symptoms 1 Week

Pregnancy early symptoms 1 week information can be found in some sources. Some women are confused whether they are pregnant or not because it is too early to decide that you are pregnant but it is okay to say Congratulation for your pregnancy and it is time for you to search more information about your pregnancy. Why you need to find more information about your pregnancy? You can care of your pregnancy more and then avoid some dangerous condition in your pregnancy. Some women plan their pregnancy so they really realize that they are pregnant. Some other women don’t detect their early pregnancy because most of women don’t have variable monthly cycle. When they missed their period they don’t think that they are pregnant. The menstrual cycle usually lasts in 28 days and you may experience short period or longer period. Missed period doesn’t mean that you are pregnant but it can be caused by some other factors. What you feel in one week pregnancy then? You can check some signs of one week pregnancy below.

One Week Pregnancy - Changing in Your Body 

Some women say that you may experience some physical changes in first week pregnancy but the other people say that women usually will not experience physical changes but internal changes. There are some symptoms such as tender breast, morning sickness, constipation, gas, fatigue and some other symptoms. Morning sickness is common but some women think that they are not in good condition. You will feel bad in certain odor and also food. You will not like to eat certain food too or you will like to eat certain food. 

One Week Pregnancy – Your Baby Development

It is not easy to see your baby in one week pregnancy because what you see is only a dot in your womb. You should not only check your condition but you must know what happened with your baby in one week pregnancy. You need to check your condition to your doctor to know the condition of your baby. Your doctor will calculate the due date when you deliver your baby. First week pregnancy usually is no easy to detect even by your doctor. You are in risky time too because you still can experience miscarriage too in your first week. That is why you must care of your body well especially in first week or first semester of your pregnancy.

One Week Pregnancy – Tips

When you know more information about pregnancy you will be able to care of your pregnancy more than other women. You also need to do some tips to care of your pregnancy especially in first week. You need to ensure that you are pregnant by visiting doctor. Changing your lifestyle is a must. As mom to be, you should not do bad lifestyle. It will influence your baby development. For all of you who like to drink alcohol, it is time for you to think twice in drinking alcohol. You must know that alcohol is dangerous for your baby. It will make your baby in bad condition. It is better for you to consume healthy food and beverages. You need to know what your baby needs too. You must consume at least 400 micrograms of folic acid every day for your perfect baby development. Folic acid is very important because it supports the development of your baby brains and it reduces risk of neural tube defects. You need to start consume vegetables and more fruits. It is good to drink more water to avoid dehydration. You need to do exercises that will be good for your condition and also your baby condition too. When you know how to breathe well then it is easy to deliver your baby. You will have good condition after you deliver your baby too.

First week in pregnancy is your early time to care of your baby. You need to know what you must do and what to care of your pregnancy.  By learning what happened on your body especially in first week you will be able to know how to care of your pregnancy too. Consulting with your doctor is a must and you need to go to doctor at least once per month to check both of your condition and your baby condition. You must feel happy during your pregnancy because it will influence your baby’s personality after you deliver your baby to the world. You can make your baby feels relax too by listening to the music or do some activities that make you and your baby feel better. You don’t need to feel fear in your first pregnancy. Not all women can experience what you feel now and you must thank to God for all things that you get today. If you still need further information about your two weeks pregnancy or more, you need to search in some sources today. Enjoy your 9 months pregnancy and then see the miracle from God in next 9 months.

Some Causes of Pregnancy Early Symptoms Bleeding


Pregnancy early symptoms bleeding are common in most pregnant women. Pregnancy will become the most happiness period in your life. Women will feel that they are perfect women when they can experience pregnancy and then deliver their baby to this earth safely. Some of women experience pregnancy without some serious symptoms. The other women may pass hard pregnancy period. Actually when you are pregnant you will experience some signs. It is common to experience vomiting and also morning sickness in first semester. First semester is important period in your pregnancy so you need to understand all symptoms well and understand dangerous signs of pregnancy too. Women usually will experience early symptoms bleeding in first semester. Most women feel fear when they experience bleeding because it can be used as a sign of serious problem and condition. You need to know cause of this condition and then you need to go to the doctor to know whether you and your baby are health or not. There are some types of bleeding that you can experience. You can find detail information about this bleeding in early pregnancy period below.

Bleeding because of Implantation

First cause of early symptoms bleeding is because of implantation process. Pregnancy is happened because of implantation process too. It is common for pregnancy women in first 12 weeks of their pregnancy.  Implantation process is a process when fertilized egg will implants itself in the uterus. Women can experience bleeding in few hours or even few days. This bleeding is very light. You need to understand difference between bleeding because of implantation and bleeding because of some other reasons.

Bleeding because of Miscarriage

Second, you may experience bleeding in first semester of your pregnancy because of miscarriage. Miscarriage can be happened during first 12 weeks or on your first semester pregnancy. You need to go to the doctor soon when you experience bleeding because of miscarriage. More than half of women who bleed in the pregnancy usually will experience miscarriage too. Although it is terrible condition, you don’t need to worry because bleeding doesn’t always mean that you will lose your baby. You can lose your baby when you don’t only experience bleeding but some other symptoms such as strong cramps in the low part of your abdomen and also tissues of your vagina. When you go to doctor soon, doctor usually will give you medicine or treatment so you will not lose your baby but if you are late to go to the doctor, doctor will not be able to do anything for you.

Bleeding because of Ectopic Pregnancy

Bleeding can be caused by ectopic pregnancy too. It is because of fertilized embryo implants not on your uterus but outside of your uterus. The fertilized embryo implants on the fallopian tube. When it is continued, you fallopian tube can be in dangerous condition. There is no option to continue your pregnancy. It is not only dangerous for your baby but it will make you in your dangerous condition too. The other symptoms that may occur in ectopic pregnancy are strong cramps, lightheadedness, pain in low part of your abdomen and some other symptoms. You may experience some women experience bleeding because of molar pregnancy too. Although you can find this condition, this condition is rare condition. There are some other additional causes of bleeding in your early pregnancy too such as cervical changes. You may experience extra blood flows to cervix area. The last cause of bleeding is infection in the vagina area, cervix and some other parts of vagina because of some condition.

Bleeding is not the only sign in your early pregnancy. Most of pregnant women usually will experience morning sickness, increased fatigue, vaginal spotting and some other signs. Bleeding is common when you only experience few hours or few day. If it is continued for long time, and you feel serious pain you should not wait for long time. Doctor is your solution. Your doctor will check your condition and then tell the real situation of your body. How about bleeding in late pregnancy? You can experience bleeding in late pregnancy too because of placenta previa. Placenta previa is condition when the placenta is in low part of your uterus and then the placenta covers the opening of birth canal. It occurs in one of 200 pregnancies. It makes you feel pain and it is often called as emergency pregnancy because it needs immediately medical attention too. Placenta abruption is dangerous for you and your baby too. It happens because the placenta detaches on the wall of your uterus before labor or during labor. You will not only find bleeding but you can feel tender uterus, clots from your vagina and also feel back pain too. You who want to know about other information related with bleeding during your pregnancy especially in first semester or last semester need to search in some sources or you can ask your doctor more about this condition. It can be avoided when you check your condition often.

Know Your Pregnancy Early Symptoms

Pregnancy early symptoms are your body responds to the growth of fetus. Pregnancy is a miracle for women. Women will experience to have baby after 9 months pregnancy. If you always care of your pregnancy from early time then you will get healthy baby too and you will have better condition. In the opposite side, you can lose your pregnancy when you don’t know that you are pregnant. Some women don’t know if they are pregnant because they don’t know too early symptoms of pregnancy. Women feel so happy when they finally pregnant. Some women need to wait for long time to get their baby. The other women can get their baby in very simple way. How about you? If you have a plan to have baby too then you really need to know about early symptoms in pregnancy.  You should understand all symptoms and care of your early pregnancy. Some people call early symptoms as primitive signs of pregnancy. Here, you can check several signs of pregnancy that you may experience.

Sign of Pregnancy - Missed Period

One of some signs of pregnancy is missing period. For most of women, missed period can be used as a sign of pregnancy although some other women sometime miss their period because of some other factors such as excessive stress, side effect of medication and some other factors. For sure, you better use test pack to check whether you are pregnant or not. You can also consult with doctor or visit your doctor to check your pregnancy too. It is better to wait until several weeks to ensure that you really missed period. Second sign of pregnancy is vaginal spotting. It can be used as a sign of pregnancy too. You can find vaginal bleeding for few days. Why you experience vaginal spotting or vaginal bleeding? It is the result of implantation of fertilized egg at you inner lining of uterus. Some women experience this sign because they just get their menstruation. The other women experience this sign because they are pregnant.

Sign of Pregnancy- Changing in Breast and Areola

The other sign of pregnancy that you can experience is changing in breast and areola. In early stage of pregnancy, breast changing is strong sign of your pregnancy. The changes that you can experience include pain on your breast, tenderness, sensitive feeling on your breast and some other feeling. How about your areola? Your areola will become darker and you can see varicose veins on the surrounding area of your breast. Some of your body parts will be more sensitive. Some women feel more sensitive when they are pregnant too. Nausea and queasiness are common too for pregnant women. Pregnant women will feel discomfort of nausea and it is usually in the morning. You will feel bad when you smell some particular odors, flavors of the foods and some other things. Women will experience morning sickness.

Vaginal Discharge and Increased Fatigue

You still can find some primitive signs of pregnancy such as increased discharge and also increased fatigue. You may feel vaginal discharge because of formation of mucus plug. It is used to keep the womb at the safe place and distance from all bacteria, toxins and also infections. Unfortunately not all vaginal discharge is a sign of pregnancy. If you experience greenish and also grayish vaginal discharge you better consult with your doctor because it may be dangerous sign of disease. You need to call your doctor too when you find foul odor of vaginal discharge too. Women in early pregnancy will feel weak. They don’t want to do all things and they will increase fatigue because of low blood pressure. That is why some women in early pregnant usually will want to sleep all the day. The last sign of pregnancy that you may experience is frequent urination. Some women ask why they do urination often than before. This condition is the result of your uterus that is getting larger day by day. Your uterus will accommodate baby. The other reason why you do urination often is because your body gives response to the hormonal changes.

Pregnancy must be identified from early stage because you need to care of your baby from the first period or pregnancy. There are some ways to identified and know whether you are pregnant or not. First you can use some early signs of pregnancy above to check your condition. Second, you can use tool such as test pack to check your pregnancy. Third, you can visit your doctor and then consult about your condition and find whether you are pregnant or not. You should not only detect signs of pregnancy but you need to always enjoy your pregnancy. When you always enjoy your pregnancy then you will feel better during your pregnancy. Your feeling will influence your baby growth too. You need to keep your body condition during your pregnancy. If you feel morning sickness you can reduce morning sickness with some ways too. You can search information about some other signs of pregnancy that are not listed above because not all women experience similar signs.

Pregnancy Symptoms Week 1

For most women, especially for those who aren’t planning a pregnancy, week one goes by without them realizing they are pregnant. Even week 2 may go undetected. Lots of women’s monthly cycles are variable, so most women assume that when their monthly menstrual cycle is late, it’s just that — late. There aren’t any immediate, obvious pregnancy symptoms during the first week, but there are signs such as fatigue, loss of interest in things, mood swings, and the constant need to urinate. However, most women attribute these symptoms to PMS, rather than assuming they are pregnant.

The menstrual cycle lasts for approximately 28 days, although it can be as short as 24 days or as long as 35. It begins when an egg leaves the ovary and travels into the fallopian tubes, where it’s met by sperm and fertilized. From there the fertilized egg travels through the fallopian tubes and into the uterus, where implantation occurs.
Some people speculate a woman isn’t really pregnant during the first week of pregnancy, since fertilization takes place during the second week. This is the main reason why so many pregnancies go undetected during the first week.

Changes in Your Body at 1 Week Pregnant

Again, no noticeable physical changes take place during the first week, although many internal changes are happening. Common symptoms include digestive problems like gas, constipation, tender breasts, fatigue, mood swings, morning sickness, and hormonal changes. These symptoms vary from woman to woman, and most women don’t feel these changes until after the second week. Doctors advise that the first week of pregnancy is your “get out of jail free week.” If your diet isn’t perfect, or if you have a glass of wine with dinner, your pregnancy isn’t likely to be significantly affected.

Your Baby’s Development

During the first week of pregnancy there’s no major development of the baby, other than the egg leaving the ovary and traveling to the fallopian tubes. You’re not actually pregnant at this time, since conception itself doesn’t happen until about two weeks after your period ends. Still, this week is included in the pregnancy calendar to help the doctor calculate the first day of your last monthly menstrual cycle. It’s from this day that the nine-month cycle (or 40 weeks in medical terms) is calculated, and your EDD (expected due date) is determined.

Now is a great time to begin focusing on aspects of your lifestyle and your nutrition. First, and foremost, take folic acid. Folic acid is essential to your baby’s development during the first few weeks of pregnancy. Eat plenty of green vegetables, legumes, fortified cereals and grains. Your nutrition over the next nine months will be directly correlated to the health and well being of your baby. Your diet should also include foods containing B vitamins, or take a pregnancy multivitamin containing vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, B12. All of these B vitamins can aid in conception as well as benefit the growth and healthy development of your baby. Exercise will also keep you, and your partner healthy. Regular exercise will allow your body to operate with optimum functionality, which can increase your chances of conceiving. Also, you and your partner should make a conscious effort to steer clear of alcoholic beverages.

Drinking can reduce the chances of conceiving, and if conception does occur, it can affect the health and development of your child. Alcohol does not only affect female fertility, but it adversely affects male fertility as well. Alcohol has adverse effects on the quantity and quality of sperm, and drinking heavily can cause impotence. So reach for nonalcoholic beverages if you are trying to conceive. You want to ensure you’re in the best of health, both mentally and physically. This is a lot to think about but don’t fret, this is a process to enjoy, let the stresses of your life fall to the wayside. It is easy to worry about finances, what your family and friends are telling you, and the amount of time it is taking to conceive, but remember: there is no perfect time to become parents. Being parents to your child and/or children is about so much more than what you can offer materially, and is a decision that only you and your partner can make together. Remember, RELAX.

Cramping in Early Pregnancy


Stomach cramps in early pregnancy are fairly common. Although early pregnancy pains are usually nothing to worry about, it’s worth mentioning them to your midwife or GP.

Are cramps in early pregnancy normal?

In most cases, mild tummy cramps are a normal part of early pregnancy. They’re usually linked to the normal physical changes your body goes through as it gears up for carrying your baby.
  • Some women get cramps with a little bleeding when the embryo implants itself into the wall of the womb. This happens at roughly the same time your period would normally start.
  • You may also feel some cramping as your womb starts to change shape and grow ready to accommodate your baby.
  • Some women experience cramps when they have an orgasm during sex – this can be a little scary, but there’s no reason to stop having sex unless your doctor tells you to.
  • At around 12 weeks lots of women start to feel sharp pains on one or both sides of their groin when they stand up, stretch or twist. This is just the ligaments that support your womb stretching as it grows.

What do early pregnancy cramps feel like?

Stomach cramps can often feel similar to a variety of other more familiar pains and cramps. You may experience pains that feel like heartburn or period pains in early pregnancy, but in most cases they manifest themselves as a stomach pain or tummy cramp.

How to soothe tummy cramps

You may find it helps with the pain of cramps if you:
  • take the recommended dose of paracetamol
  • try relaxing in a warm bath
  • do some gentle exercise, such as walking or swimming
  • curl up on the sofa with a magazine and a hot water bottle
  • ask someone to give your lower back a gentle rub.

A mum says...

"I had cramping pain at eight weeks. I called my midwife and she arranged an early scan for me as I felt terrified that something was wrong. The scan concluded that I had a small bleed next to the womb. I was assured that this can be normal and that the bleed would be absorbed in to my body as the pregnancy progressed. Sure enough, at my 10-week scan, the bleed had disappeared and my cramping pains have now gone."

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